
The title of Miss Brown County Fair Association for 2011 was the dream of four girls Saturday night and it became a reality for one, Jordan Cadenhead, as the 2011 Brown County Youth Fair came to a close at the auction.  Cadenhead is pictured above with her parents, Chris and Teresa Cadenhead, and brother Justin.

The outgoing Miss Brown County Fair Association is Danielle Denbow.  She thanked everyone for the opportunity and experience of being crowed the Miss BCFA in 2010.

Each contestant was escorted into the sale arena by a special man in their lives, by their father or grandfather.   The contestants were:

Third runner up, Keelee Allen, represented Bangs FFA.  She is the daughter of Jimane and Larry Allen of Bangs.   She is the granddaughter of Judy and Larry Allen of Bangs, Jimmy and Teresa Minica and the late Glenice Minica of Zephyr. She attends Bangs High School.  Keelee has been a lifelong resident of Brown County and is a member of the Bangs First Baptist Church

Second runner up, Rebecca McFarland is the daughter of Zack McFarland of Priddy and Karen Pittman of May.  She is the granddaughter of Wayne and Lomah Pittman of May.  She represents May 4-H Club and FFA.  Rebecca is a senior at May High School and plans to attend Tarleton State University and major in pediatric nursing.

First runner up, Chastity King, is the daughter of Jonathan and Rhonda King. She represents Zephyr 4-H FFA and FCCLA.  Chastity is a junior at Zephyr High School.  She is involved in activities year round and manages a 3.0 GPA.

The newly crowned Miss Brown County Fair Association, Jordan Cadenhead, is the daughter of Chris & Teresa Cadenhead and the granddaughter of Kenneth & Shirley Treadway and John & Gynger Cadenhead.   Jordan represented the Early FCCLA, FFA and 4-H clubs.  She is a senior and honor student at Early High School.  Jordan plans to attend Texas Tech University and plans to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Business and Marketing along with a minor in Spanish.

Cadenhead receives many gifts including a $2000 scholarship, jewelry, a purse, leather jacket, a $100 savings bond, a belt buckle, and the official queen’s crown.  The runner up receives a $750 scholarship and a number of nice gifts as well.

Although all four were put through many tests during the contest, only one could be crowned.  These girls worked hard to prove themselves on five levels:  Membership Sales, Poise & Appearance, Personality, Public Speaking, and their participation in the Youth Fair.

Membership sales by the Youth Fair Queen competition is the main fundraiser for the Brown County Fair Association and proceeds benefit the upkeep of facilities and enhancement of the premium sale.  Memberships were sold for $20/family and also entitle member families to eat free at the annual barbeque that is held during Rodeo Week in June.

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