firstbaptistchurchlogoFirst Baptist Church of Brownwood will offer various services for Holy Week.  On Friday evening, the Sanctuary Choir of FBC, Brownwood will present Requiem by British composer John Rutter.

According to Dr. Gregory Church, Minister of Music at the church, “Rutter has taken the Requiem Mass, which is traditionally a funeral Mass, and adapted it for a somewhat more Protestant setting.  Using the traditional elements of the ordinary of the Requiem Mass, Rutter has added musical settings of various Psalm texts to make the work very appropriate for a Good Friday service.”

The portions of the work which are traditional to the Mass are sung in Latin, while the Psalm settings and other texts are sung in English.  Requiem will include Dr. Celeste Church as soprano soloist, Mr. Stephen Goacher playing oboe, and Mr. Andrew Barker playing cello.

Sunday morning Easter celebration services will begin at 10:50 AM in the church’s sanctuary.  Featuring a brass quartet, the service will end with the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s oratorio Messiah. “After the somber observances of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday” said Church, “our Easter celebration will be one of joy and triumph as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”  All services are open to the public.