The Brownwood Jaycees announce they will be having a meet and greet at Humphrey Pete’s this Thursday, May 17th, at 7:00 pm featuring the President of the Texas Junior Chamber of Commerce Stephine Traugott. The Jaycees invite anyone who is interested in joining the Jaycees to come out to Humphrey Pete’s and meet all the new officers of the Brownwood Jaycees and the president of the Texas Junior Chamber of Commerce. There will also be discussing upcoming events and different projects. Free drinks and snacks will be provided.

As all clubs depend on memberships, and until recently only a small group of people have been holding the Brownwood Jaycees together as an organization, representatives of the organization said that they are excited to have over 20 new members and are looking forward to doing great things in the community.

The Brownwood Jaycees is a leadership training organization that builds up leaders in the community through small and large community projects.

New officers are include Stephine Swan, President; Ashley McLaughlin, Treasurer (also HPU graduate); Chris Brindley, Membership Vice President; Leslie King, Individual Development Vice President (Host of Meet and Greet); and Pat McLaughlin, Management Vice President.

Events the Jaycees organize and promote include Rattlesnake Round Up, Arts and Crafts Festival, Splash Day for kids, Road Side Rest Stop, and Christmas for Kids.

The Jaycees also sponsor various free training courses such as How to Manage Your Money, Dress for Success, Free Microsoft Office Training, Building Professional Connections, Project Management Fundamentals, and Time Management Fundamentals.

According to Management Vice President Pat McLaughlin, the club is open to suggestions of other projects the community would like to see and needs members that want to help and that have “a vision.”

McLaughlin explained where the money goes that is generated from Jaycees’ events.

“The money is ether donated into other local community organizations, or we use it to pay for other events like Christmas for Kids, Arts and Crafts Festival, Splash Day for kids,” said McLaughlin. “Just recently we had the Rattle Snake Roundup and we will be using profits from that event to donate back into three local community organizations such as The Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, and the Good Samaritans.”

The Jaycees encourage the public to consider joining to make Brown County a better place to live, to meet new people & network, and to build better personal skills.

For more information, contact Pat McLaughlin at 325-642-6809.