
The annual Army All-American Bowl is fast approaching and players are arriving in San Antonio this week for a full week of practice to prepare for Sunday’s game.

Brownwood Lions football star Jaxon Shipley was selected for the team and is getting settled into a full week of practice, banquets, media events, and more.  Shipley will be playing on the West Team and was presented with his All-American jersey in September (Pictured above).

Jaxon’s older brother Jordan played in the 2004 Army All-American Bowl.

Annually, the All-American Bowl is the Army’s largest public outreach effort, allowing the Army to share its story with tens of millions of people. The 90 players from across the country were selected to be on the East and West Teams for the 2011 game, which will be televised live on NBC on Saturday, Jan. 8.  KRBC-TV Abilene will be broadcasting the event at noon.

See a short video interview of Jaxon posted by the All-Amercian Bowl on YouTube today.

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