Press Release – Djimonii Jackson, senior from Beaumont, and Angelica Ramirez, junior from Austin, were crowned Howard Payne University’s Homecoming Queen and Princess during a ceremony held today on campus.
Jackson, a business marketing major, is the daughter of Emanuel and Marsena Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson. She serves as a senior class senator for the Student Government Association and as a resident assistant for HPU’s Veda Hodge Hall. Additionally, she is active with the Student Activities Council, is an honorary member of Chi Alpha Omega and plays on HPU’s women’s basketball team. She also served as a summer camp counselor at HPU. Upon graduating from HPU, she aspires to have a challenging and rewarding career that utilizes her knowledge and skills in marketing to further enhance the growth of a company.
Ramirez, the daughter of Jesus Ramirez I and Kimberly Ramirez, is a biomedical science major and cross-cultural studies minor. She is the chaplain for Delta Chi Rho, a resident assistant for Veda Hodge Hall and the outreach intern at Brownwood’s Coggin Avenue Baptist Church. Her career aspirations are to be a missionary nurse in a foreign country, helping others both physically and spiritually.
The Homecoming Court will be featured during the halftime show of the football game as HPU takes on Sul Ross State University this Saturday. The game begins at 4 p.m. at Gordon Wood Stadium.
Pictured at top: Angelica Ramirez, left, and Djimonii Jackson, right, were named HPU’s Homecoming Princess and Queen, respectively. They are pictured with Esther Camacho, HPU’s 2017 Coming Home Queen.