hpubaseballThe Howard Payne University baseball team won both ends of a double header with Dallas Christian College 13-3 and 5-4 Tuesday afternoon at Don Shepard Park.

The Yellow Jackets exploded for nine runs in the first two innings of game one. Sam Dollahite and Jordan Hammontree each recorded 3RBIs in the 13-3 win. Ben Butler and Dollahite both led with two hits. Reed Klose got the win for HPU throwing 5.0 innings and striking out nine.

Game two was much closer with Dallas Christian scoring two in their opening at bat. Howard Payne answered with two of their own in the bottom of the inning. After a HPU run in the third and DCC run in the top of the fifth, the Jackets got the game winning runs in the bottom of the fifth. It was a Jake Sadler double to left field that brought home Houston Holmes and later a Kris Kloc single that allowed Sadler to cross the plate. DCC would an one run in the sixth but Ben Butler’s work on the mound secured the win for the Jackets.

Derrick Berlanga posted the win for HPU after the Mitchell Marquis start. Tyler Gaddis and Butler saw time in relief with Butler receiving the save.

The Jackets now stand at 4-4 overall and Dallas Christian falls to 7-12 overall. Howard Payne will play a three-game series with the University of Texas at Dallas this weekend at Don Shepard Park.