BethelBaptistChurchFireFederal investigators began looking at the remains of Bethel Baptist Church which burned to the ground late last week under suspicious circumstances.

Federal agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began their investigation Tuesday around 10:30am and completed a thorough search of the rubble around 4:00pm, according to Pastor Buddy Cobb.

“They did a thorough look,” stated Cobb.  “I appreciate how well they have handled the investigation.”

Pastor Cobb stated that the ATF agents out of Dallas planned to use a fire trained dog from Midland to search; however the dog got sick and agents send for the K-9 investigator out of Denton.

“It was really interesting to see how they worked with the dog,” said Cobb.

He explained that the agents collected a variety of samples that will be sent to a lab in Maryland and it will take at least two weeks to get the results.

According to church officials, many agencies are cooperating in the investigation which includes the Brown County Sheriff’s Office, ATF agents, the Brown County Assistant Fire Marshal, and the special investigator from the church’s insurance company.

If no more samples are needed after Friday, the church will get the “all clear” to start the cleanup efforts, with which many residents of the area are anxious to help, stated Pastor Cobb.

Cobb has been at the church both Monday and Tuesday throughout the long hot days to stay informed for the congregation.

“I have to be here or I just couldn’t stand it,” said Cobb.  “It’s really sad for those who have lived here all their lives, whether they attended the church or not, it’s historical.”

Pastor Cobb explained that many of the church members’ ancestors built the church and that as members come by to see the church for the first time since the fire, many stand and shake their heads while others just break down and cry.  There was “lots of nostalgia” within the church Cobb said.

“It’s a real disgrace and we’ll take a while to get over it,” said Cobb.  “But we have to look at the positives and be thankful it wasn’t worse, no one was hurt.”

Firefighters battled fires in 8 locations across the county last Friday morning which were started under suspicious circumstances officials state.  One of the fires destroyed the church.

Multiple Suspicious Early Morning Fires, Rural Church Destroyed