
The City of Brownwood’s animal control department received a report of a large bird in an alley recently between 1st Street and Elizabeth near Coggin Park.

Animal control was able to capture the bird which was identified as a Peregrine Hawk according to Brownwood animal control’s Nick Ferguson.

Ferguson said that the hawk had an injured right wing and was unable to fly.  The hawk was sent to bird rehab personnel at the Abilene zoo for treatment and rehabilitation.

The hawk will be released back into the wild when it has returned to full health.

The Peregrine Hawk can be found nearly everywhere on Earth, except extreme polar regions, very high mountains, and most tropical rain forests. This makes it the world’s most widespread bird of prey.

Both the English and scientific names of this species mean “wandering falcon” which refers to the migratory habits of many northern populations of the bird.

Photo provided by Brownwood animal control.