JessesAngels2-year-old Jesse Arias of Bangs participated in the 2nd Annual Buddy Walk in Abilene on Saturday, October 12 to raise awareness of Down Syndrome.  The Buddy Walk was began in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Association in 1995, in honor of those with Down Syndrome.   The Buddy Walk held in Abilene was one of many that are held during the month of October.

Jesse (pictured left), the son of Chris and Myrna Arias, was born on April 11, 2011 and joined the “Upside Down Club” of Abilene earlier this year, which is a club for children with Down Syndrome.

Jesse and his family began raising money for the Buddy Walk in September for the Upside Down Club.  Their goal was to raise around $200-300; however, they raised much more.  These funds will help children with special needs obtain equipment they may need and part of it will be donated to the National Down Syndrome Society.

AriasFamily“When everything was said and done, we had raised over $1300,” said Myrna.  “It was amazing, so thank you to all those who donated to the National Down Syndrome Society.”

Jesse’s team, Jesse’s Angels, had close to 40 members who came to support Jesse during the walk.  These members included youth from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Brownwood, his grandparents from Bovina, Texas and Brownwood, as well as family from San Antonio and Bangs (pictured below).

For more information about the Upside Down Club,