According to Brownwood Police reports, mid afternoon on Thursday, officers were called to Family Dollar Store on  Main Street.  An employee noted David Michael Pleasant, age 48, and another man enter the store.  The two were recognized from their previous visits to the store during the last two weeks before without buying anything.   

This visit ended differently.  Reportedly, because of  the men’s suspicious behavior, the store manager began watching them.  They spent a considerable amount of time on the medication isle, then walked toward the door.  When management noted a bulge in Pleasant’s coat that had not been present when he entered the store, she stopped  & confronted him about items concealed under his jacket.  She then asked him to remove them.  Pleasant lifted his jacket and a large assortment of cold medications fell to the floor.  Pleasant then began to push and shove the manager out of the way in attempt to exit the store.  She was pushed into a Coca-Cola machine near the exit, causing her knee to  twist unnaturally according to police reports.

The report also states that a male employee came to the manager’s assistance and was also shoved.  Then a  female customer who had tried to hold the door shut to prevent the man from leaving the store was also shoved backward and knocked to the floor by the suspect.  After allegedly knocking the customer to the ground, Pleasant was able to leave the store; however, he was detained by several people outside the store’s main entrance.  

It was noted in the reports that the injured customer had recently had medical care for a bulged disk in her back and was in extreme pain and having troubles walking when police arrived.  Guardian EMS was called and transported the customer to Brownwood Regional Medical Center. She told police that she wanted to press criminal charges against Pleasant.

Police reported that the manager told them after she was knocked to the floor, two more bottles of Robitussin Cold Medicine fell from Pleasant’s jacket.  Officers came to the conclusion that this indicated that Pleasant had intended to keep possession of some of the property he had attempted to steal.  The store management provided a receipt showing the value of the items to be $103.50 before tax.

Because Pleasant used  force that caused injury to the manager, he was arrested for robbery.  He also intentionally shoved a citizen causing bodily injury and was arrested  for Assault Causing Bodily Injury.