Sweepstakes5YearsThe Brownwood High School Mighty Maroon Band has joined the elite in high school bands by winning the coveted “Sweepstakes” designation for the fifth year in a row.  This achievement means the graduating seniors have a perfect contest record spanning their entire high school career.  According to Band Director, Richard Graham, earning Sweepstakes for five years in a row puts the BHS band in the top 10% of bands in the State.

In order to be Sweepstakes winners, the band must earn a “Superior” rating in the fall Marching Contest and the spring Concert and Sight Reading Contest.  This spring, the band proved their mastery by performing a concert piece designated as a 5A-level arrangement.

“You must play music for your classification or above,” said Mr. Graham.  “This year we played music on the 5A list.  There are very few 3A bands who can play a 5A program, but my kids could play it, so we went went for it.”

Several factors go into the incredible success the band has seen over the past few years.  According to Mr. Graham, it started with getting better quality instruments.  “The first year (that he was director), we stepped up the inventory of the instruments.”  A more advanced model instrument produces a better quality sound, but is also two to three times the cost of a student model instrument.  The Band Boosters and administration supplied the funds needed to improve the quality of instruments available.

Another vital component to success is student effort.  “The students were very hungry for success,” said Mr. Graham. “They were excited and ready for the changes I wanted to make.”  Mr. Graham instilled a mindset of preparation. The whole band’s focus had to be on winning beginning with their first rehearsal.  Mr. Graham often quotes Coach Gordon Wood’s mantra, “The desire to win is nothing without the willingness to prepare.”

Student leadership plays a huge role in the dynamic of a winning band.  Johnathan Cox, senior and Drum Major, understands the impact of student leaders.  “We (officers) really affect the incoming students’ band experience,” said Johnathan.  Wesley Bryant, also a senior and Loading Crew Captain said, “When you get in an officer position, people look up to you.  You try to make it enjoyable for them.”

Finally, the concept of being a team has to be paramount. “It’s a group effort,” said Mr. Graham.  “It’s not just students or faculty.  Boosters work hard in the concession stands so we can have the instruments, and the administration supports us.”  One of the greatest traits of a team, is that no one entity takes the credit.  That is apparent with the high school band.  According to Wesley Bryant, “A band is only as good as the director.” Yet, Mr. Graham disagrees. “I feel just the opposite,” he said.  “When I get up, I just have a baton in my hand.  You guys are playing the instruments.”


Photo Caption: Holding the 2009-2010 contest trophies are senior band members, Johnathan Cox, Wesley Bryant, Kayla Jackson, and Band Director, Richard Graham.