
Howard Payne University’s Resurrection Week, the annual spring revival held on campus the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, is scheduled for Monday through Wednesday, April 18-20. Nationally recognized speaker and author Dave Edwards will be the featured speaker, with music led by Katie Curry, worship leader of The Well at Brownwood’s Southside Church.

2011DaveEdwardsServices will be held at HPU’s Mims Auditorium at 10:00 a.m. Monday through Wednesday, with evening services Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Dave Edwards travels the nation speaking to students and adults in a variety of settings, ranging from churches and arenas to summer camps and high schools. He seeks to apply biblical truths to current issues and help people discover the importance of a Christ-centered lifestyle. Edwards is the author of 14 books and is based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Katie Curry graduated from Howard Payne University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in practical theology with a minor in music. In addition to serving as the worship leader at Southside Church’s Sunday 2011KatieCurryevening service The Well, she also works at HPU as the youth ministry graduate program assistant. As a student at HPU, she led the chapel band for five semesters.

Additional campus activities during Resurrection Week include a prayer meeting on Sunday, April 17, at 8:30 p.m. in the Mabee University Center’s Bullion Suites; a meet-and-greet time with Dave Edwards on Monday at 2:30 p.m. at HPU’s “Hub” at the Quinn House (Davis-Thompson Baptist Student Ministry building); and after-service fellowships on Monday and Tuesday evenings outside Mims Auditorium.