Steve_Fanara_08Howard Payne University head football coach, Steve Fanara, tabbed to coach in the Texas Vs. The Nation All-Star Challenge, a Division I-A collegiate senior all-star bowl. The game is scheduled to be played February 6, 2010 at the Sun Bowl Stadium in El Paso, Texas.

Steve Fanara will work under head coach of the Texas squad, Bill Bates, who has spent six years as an NFL assistant. Coach Fanara has been assigned to work with the defensive line.

“Coach Fanara is a man of character and is doing some great things with the Howard Payne football program,” said Kenny Hansmire, CEO and President of the Texas vs The Nation game. “It is great to have him with the Texas coaching staff this year.”
The Texas Vs. The Nation game will pit top collegiate players originally from Texas or who play college football in Texas against top players from around the nation. 93% of the 2009 roster went on to sign NFL contracts, 111 out of 119. In its fourth year, the game topped more than 40,000 fans at last year’s event.