JephHolloway2013Howard Payne University will host the sixth annual Currie-Strickland Distinguished Lectures in Christian Ethics next Thursday, February 28, and Friday, March 1. Anyone interested in theology and Christian issues is encouraged to attend this free lecture series. Reservations are requested.

Dr. Jeph Holloway, professor of theology and ethics at East Texas Baptist University, will present discussions on “The Practice of Christian Moral Discernment.”

“We are looking forward to Dr. Holloway’s lectures,” said Dr. Donnie Auvenshine, dean of HPU’s School of Christian Studies. “I believe that he will provoke us to think carefully about living out our commitment to Christ.”

Dr. Holloway (pictured above) holds Master of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, focusing in the field of Christian ethics. He has also done additional graduate study at Duke University and Columbia Theological Seminary. Since 1990, he has served Baptist institutions of higher learning at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Since 1978, his ministry experiences have included serving in the positions of youth minister, assistant pastor, interim pastor and pastor.

Dr. Holloway’s academic contributions include 17 publications and presentations. He has been featured in publications such as Christian Ethics Today, Southwestern Journal of Theology and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Thursday’s lecture, “Deciding Against Decisionism: There’s Just More to It than That” will begin at 7:30 p.m. The following day at 10 a.m., Dr. Holloway will present “The Juncture of Mind and Spirit: Moral Discernment in the Letters of Paul.” Each lecture will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

The Currie-Strickland lecture series is made possible through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Gary Elliston and was established to honor the life of Dr. David R. Currie, retired executive director of Texas Baptists Committed, and the memory of Phil Strickland, who dedicated nearly 40 years of ministry to the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ Christian Life Commission.

Both lectures will take place in the Richard and Wanda Jackson Conference Room of the university’s Paul and Jane Meyer Faith and Life Leadership Center. To reserve a seat at the lectures, please contact HPU’s Office of University Marketing and Communications by e-mail at or by phone at 325-649-8009.