saintJohnsHoward Payne University’s School of Music and Fine Arts will present its annual Service of Lessons and Carols this Sunday at 8 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Brownwood. The service includes Scripture readings about the prophecies and coming of Christ along with music that reflects on the passages being read.

HPU faculty and staff members will read the Scriptures and the university’s Heritage Singers will perform the musical selections with Dr. Allen Reed, retired professor of music, accompanying.

The event is based on the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s College, Cambridge, first held on Christmas Eve 1918. The service was first broadcast in 1928 and has broadcast annually, with the exception of 1930. In the United States, the service airs on approximately 300 radio stations.

The university’s Heritage Singers are under the direction of Dr. Monte Garrett, professor of music and director of choral activities.

“The service of Lessons and Carols is a poignant reminder of the prophecies, and their fulfillment, of the coming of Christ,” said Dr. Garrett. “Especially during the busyness of this time of the semester, the service provides an opportunity for contemplation as we focus on the reason we celebrate.”

St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at 700 Main Street in Brownwood. For more information about the event, contact HPU’s School of Music and Fine Arts at (325) 649-8500.