Howard_Payne_logosmallHoward Payne University students recently spent a week “prayer walking” around campus, asking God to guide and bless the university.

Students met at 7 a.m. each morning to walk around campus one time while praying for the school. On Sunday, the seventh day, the group walked around the campus seven times.

Hannah Pippen, a junior social work major and student body chaplain from Del Rio, was one of the event organizers.

“One of the main ways that I seek to set a firm foundation as chaplain this year is to instill the importance of a prayer life,” she said.

Pippen’s responsibilities as chaplain include leading weekly devotionals for the Student Government Association and talking and praying with any students who are looking for encouragement.


“Students, HPU staff and faculty and community members joined us every day,” said Carlee Ammons, junior, student body president and communication major from Richmond. “We talked to many of those involved in the prayer walk who said they grew closer to God from participating.”