KalantarNatTracyAwardFive Howard Payne University students were honored recently for their acts of servant leadership on campus and in the local community. Awards were presented during HPU’s annual Servant Leadership Program.

Karla Kalantar, a senior social work major from Houston, was presented with the Nat Tracy Servant Leader Award.

The Nat Tracy Servant Leader Award was established in 1998 to honor HPU seniors who best demonstrate servant leadership qualities as exemplified by the life of the late Dr. Nat Tracy, a member of HPU’s Bible faculty from 1950-1975.

HPU Servant Leadership Awards were presented to Shannon Bundy, a junior social work major from Port Aransas; Jonathan Henderson, a senior Christian education major from Plainview; Rebekah Steadman, a junior social work major from Fort Worth; and Erik Swenson, a senior Academy of Freedom major from Carrollton.

Established in 2007 by the Moore Foundation and Barney II Foundation, this award recognizes student excellence in the areas of leadership and service. A $1,000 scholarship is provided to each recipient of the award, and each student designates $250 of his/her scholarship award to be given to his/her chosen charity.

“These students exemplify what it means to be a follower of Christ and a leader among their peers and in the community,” said Dr. Mark Tew, HPU provost and chief academic officer. “It is our honor to recognize them for their achievements.”

Nominations for these awards are solicited each spring from HPU staff, faculty and students.

Pictured at top:  Karla Kalantar was named the recipient of the 2013 Nat Tracy Servant Leader Award at HPU.

Pictured above:  HPU Servant Leadership Awards were presented to, from left, Rebekah Steadman, Shannon Bundy and Jonathan Henderson. Not pictured is Erik Swenson.HPUServantLeadershipAwardRecipients2013