hpubaseballThe Howard Payne University softball split a double header 4-3 and 4-10 with the University of Texas at Dallas to open the 2012 season Tuesday afternoon at Lady Jacket Field.

Howard Payne would gain a 3-1 lead in the bottom of the second inning of game one. Shandi Winstead got it started for HPU when she hit a triple to right field scoring two. Katie Poerner would then single through the left side to score Winstead.

UTD would tie the game at 3-3 after scoring single runs in the 4th and 5th innings. The Lady Jackets got the go ahead run in the sixth when Jessica Morales scored on an error by the UTD catcher.

Haleigh Caraway got the win for HPU throwing two innings in relief. Jeni Olbeter recorded the loss for UTD. Winstead had two hits in three at bats with 2RBI and a run scored. Poerner also had two hits for Howard Payne.

In game two, UTD would jump put to a huge early lead scoring one in the first and four in the second inning. After UTD added another run in the third to make it 6-0, HPU rallied in the bottom of the inning 4th to cut the UTD lead to 6-4. HPU got RBI singles from Evangelina Tellez and Haleigh Caraway to start the rally and it was Winstead again with a 2RBI single that capped the Lady Jacket rally.

Howard Payne was unable to get anything else started the rest of the game. UTD used a four-run ninth to secure the 10-4 win.

Kayla Castillo recorded the loss for Howard Payne throwing 3.2 innings and striking out two. Heather Foust got the complete game win for UTD striking out seven.

The Lady Jackets will play next at home on Saturday versus Austin College in a double header starting at 1:00 pm.