
A record number of students are participating in Howard Payne’s annual Summer Scholars and Young Scholars Programs this week.

According to the program’s director Dr. Julie Welker, there are 95 children enrolled, which is an all time record for the 10-year-old program.  The classes, designed for students in the first through sixth grades, feature innovative instruction in a variety of subjects, including biological science, robotics, 3D printing, music, and more. The theme for this year is “Jacket Innovators.”

“We have 95 students enrolled this year.  We had 76 and thought we were busting at the seams last year,” said Welker who credits the program’s success to the interesting curriculum brought by the talented instructors, many of whom are returning teachers and the newly added 3D printing classes. “Part of it was all of the returning teachers, they have a vested interest in the program,” said Welker.

Instructors this year include Tami Hull (robotics), Keith Taylor (robotics), Dr. Kristen Hutchins (biological science), Dr. Lester Towell (3D printing), Coach Melinda Elkins (physical education), Deanna Erxleben (music) and Jennifer McKibben (computer science).

The largest group this year, according to Welker, is the 6th graders.

“We have 24 in the 6th grade and had to bring in laptops to accommodate the robotics classes,” said Welker.

Children from the Brown County area, Abilene, and other cities as far away as Texarkana are participating in the program this year.

There are also 17 student assistants helping instructors this year.  These assistants have been involved in the program in years past, have completed a special training, and are very valuable to the program, explained Welker and her assistant Jill Holamon.  While serving during their volunteer work, the student assistants also benefit from the experience.

“We want to provide them with great leadership opportunity, to do student volunteering,” explained Welker.

For more information about the Summer Scholars and Young Scholars programs, contact Dr. Welker at (325) 649-8508 or via e-mail at

Pictured above Keith Taylor teaches the Young Scholars about robotics.  Below are more photos of students during classes Wednesday morning.






Dr. Rance Boren visits as a guest speaker in the biological science class.