articleDrBillEllisThe Board of Trustees of Howard Payne University today named Dr. William (Bill) Ellis as the 19th President of the 120 year old institution.  Dr. Ellis has served as Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Hardin-Simmons University since 2001.

“I am deeply humbled by the confidence that the Board of Trustees and University family have placed in me,” said Ellis.  “Howard Payne has a long and illustrious heritage, and I am tremendously excited by the opportunity to serve at such a distinguished institution.  Diana and I look forward to joining the excellent faculty and staff at HPU in doing the important work of providing the highest quality education to our students,” Ellis added.

Ellis holds a bachelor’s degree in English and History from Hardin-Simmons University, a Masters Degree in Modern American Literature from Texas Tech University and Doctorate of Philosophy in American Romanticism from the University of Colorado, Boulder.  He has also pursued post-graduate study at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.


“We are pleased as a search committee and a Board of Trustees to name Dr. Bill Ellis, Provost at Hardin-Simmons University, as the next president of Howard Payne University,” said Mr. Brad Helbert, chairman of the search committee.   “We are confident in Dr. Ellis’s ability to lead Howard Payne University into the future,” added Helbert.

“Howard Payne University is extremely fortunate to have a man of Dr. Ellis’s experience and credentials as president,” said Dr. Randall Grooms, chairman of the Board of Trustees.  “He has served in various capacities within Baptist Higher Education for over thirty years,” he added.

Ellis and his wife Diana, Professor of Voice and Opera at McMurry University, are members of Lytle South Baptist Church in Abilene and have two adult children, Emily and Brett.

A community reception is being planned for the community to welcome Dr. Ellis and his family to Howard Payne University and the Brownwood community.