Howard_Payne_logosmallThe public is invited to a special concert at Howard Payne University featuring eight of the university’s music students. The concert will be held, free of charge, on Monday, October 8 at 5 p.m., in the university’s Grace Chapel.

“The hour-long event is a recital of selected music majors performing on their respective instruments or voice,” said Dr. Rob Tucker, dean of music, fine arts and extended education. “It promises to be a rewarding musical experience. Everyone is invited to this important event.”

Performing will be Allen Andrus, a senior from Anson – alto saxophone; Kevin Baker, a senior from Brownwood – guitar; Johnathan Cox, a junior from Brownwood – euphonium; Katie Licce, a junior from Bertram – flute; Sarah Moreau, a sophomore from Fort Worth – voice; Alejandro Munoz, a sophomore from Mineral Wells – French horn; Jessica Nymoen, a junior from Aledo – piano; and Jesse Smith, a senior from Brownwood – voice.

For more information, contact HPU’s School of Music and Fine Arts at (325) 649-8500.