soccerarticlepic1The Howard Payne University Soccer teams played Saturday at home with mixed results.

The HPU Lady Jackets fell short losing to East Texas Baptist University with a final score of 0-1.

This brings the Lady Jacket soccer team to a 3 – 4 – 1 record for the season.

The women play the University of Texas at Tyler on the road next Thursday, Oct 1st at 1pm.

The HPU men’s team won their game against East Texas Baptist University on Saturday afternoon.

The Jackets scored a goal in the second half being the only points on the board for the game.  The Jackets beat East Texas Baptist with a final score of 1-0.

This brings HPU men’s soccer to a 4 – 3 record for the season.

They also play on the road next Thursday against the University of Texas at Tyler starting at 7:30pm.

Photos from today’s men’s game are in our photos slideshow below.

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