
Eight Howard Payne University students were honored recently for their acts of servant leadership on campus and in the local community. Awards were presented during the Servant Leadership Chapel held on Wednesday, April 13.

Four seniors were presented with the prestigious Nat Tracy Servant Leader Awards – Scott Perkins, an Academy and Biblical languages major from Santa Clarita, California; Rebekah Reed, a practical theology major from Cedar Park, Texas; Tiffany Warner, a communications major from Tolar, Texas; and Chase Woodhouse, a Christian education major from Waxahachie, Texas.

The Nat Tracy Servant Leader Award was established in 1998 to honor HPU seniors who best demonstrate servant leadership qualities as exemplified by the life of the late Dr. Nat Tracy, a member of HPU’s Bible faculty from 1950-1975.

The Howard Payne University Servant Leadership Award was presented to four junior-level students commemorating the use of their God-given talents in service to Christ and to others. Recipients include: Ciera Culpepper, a family studies major from Zephyr, Texas; Leah Gonzalez, a social work major from San Antonio, Texas; Adam Hardy, an Academy, political science and biblical languages major from Corpus Christi, Texas; and Katie Riley, a cross-cultural studies major from Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Established in 2007 by the Moore Foundation and Barney II Foundation, this award recognizes student excellence in the arenas of leadership and service. A $1,000 scholarship is provided to each recipient of the award. Each student designates $250 of his/her scholarship award to be given to his/her chosen charity.

Pictured above:  Howard Payne University honored eight students with servant leadership awards during chapel on April 13. Pictured are Dr. Bill Ellis, university president; Adam Hardy; Katie Riley; Rebekah Reed; Tiffany Warner; Chase Woodhouse; Scott Perkins; Ciera Culpepper; Leah Gonzalez; and Dr. Brad Johnson, senior vice president for institutional advancement. Photo by Amanda Hendrix.