
Two Howard Payne University faculty members recently celebrated the completion of their doctoral degrees with a reception on campus.

Dr. Trissa Cox, associate professor of computer information systems, completed a Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science degree from the University of North Texas in May. Her dissertation topic was “Factors Associated with Behavioral Intention to Disclose Personal Information on Geosocial Networking Applications.”

Dr. Lester Towell, also associate professor of computer information systems, completed a Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology and Distance Education degree from Nova Southeastern University in June. His dissertation title was “Factors that Affect Instructors’ Intent to Use Online, On-Demand Lecture Capture.”

“HPU is proud of the accomplishments of Drs. Cox and Towell,” said Dr. Mark Tew, provost and chief academic officer. “They are outstanding faculty members, and I am confident the completion of these degrees will add to the educational experiences they provide to their students.”