
Howard Payne University’s Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) recently hosted its annual Impact Weekend, during which 62 students joined together to serve the Brownwood community.

HPU students sorted items, reorganized inventory and painted at Good Samaritan Ministries. At Salvation Army, students organized the supplies from the recent school supply drive. A group of students also went to the Hope Home transitional school and helped landscape for a prayer garden.

“Impact has been a part of HPU’s BSM history for quite some time,” said Keith Platte, BSM director. “It is a great way for our students to learn by doing.  They can learn more about how to actively serve in the Brownwood community by taking part in Impact Weekend. “

The event, held during Labor Day weekend, also included a worship service led by students including Alex Caro, a senior from Howe, and Courtney Officer, a junior from Stephenville. Sam Goff of Food for the Hungry delivered the sermon.

The focus of the weekend was to “think globally and act locally” with respect to missions.

“Many students say that they might focus on service after they complete their degrees, but I believe what our students do right now, while they are in school, prepares them for doing more after they graduate,” Platte said. “That is one reason we encourage our students to serve throughout their time at Howard Payne. It prepares them to be better servants once they leave the university.”

Pictured above: HPU students (from left) Colette Wilcoxen, Kaiti Cochrum and Trent Gainey, serve at Brownwood’s Good Samaritan Ministries during Impact Weekend.