
Howard Payne University has announced the Homecoming Court for 2013. The HPU Homecoming queen and princess will be crowned on Friday, Oct. 4, at 2 p.m. during Homecoming Convocation in the university’s Mims Auditorium.

Homecoming queen nominees are Catherine Mullaney, a senior Guy D. Newman Honors Academy student and English major from Boylston, Mass.; Robin Scofield, a senior Guy D. Newman Honors Academy student and communication major from Naples, Fla..; and Morenci Young, a senior psychology major and health sciences minor from Gordon.

Catherine, the daughter of Daniel and Catherine Mullaney, is president of the Student Government Association and a member of Student Speaker Bureau and Gamma Beta Phi. She plans to one day become an author.

Robin, the daughter of Michael and Lynna Scofield, is a member of the Student Government Association, the Archery Club, Gamma Beta Phi and Sigma Theta Phi. Her career goal is to work in public relations for a corporation or government official.

Morenci, the daughter of Monty and Salena Young, is a member of Delta Chi Rho, the Archery Club and plays intramural sports. She plans to one day become an ultrasound technician.

Homecoming princess nominees are Katie Rose Bonner, a junior Guy D. Newman Honors Academy student and political science/pre-law and history major from Lytle; Neva Bowers, a junior business major from Victoria; and Adrianna Perez, a junior political science/pre-law major and criminal justice minor from Rowlett.

Katie, the daughter of James and Rosemary Bonner, is a member of Gamma Beta Phi and Moot Court. She plans to one day work as an attorney practicing international law or as a foreign-service officer for the Department of State.

Neva, the daughter of Billy and Denise Bowers, is an honorary member of Zeta Chi. Her career aspirations include entrepreneurism or sales.

Adrianna, the daughter of Ernest and Catherine Perez, is a member of Delta Chi Rho, the Student Government Association, Gamma Beta Phi and the Student Activities Council. Her career aspirations include pursuing a law degree in criminal or international law before working with Innocence Project, a national non-profit organization dedicated to exonerating wrongly convicted people through the use of DNA testing.

The Homecoming Court will be featured in the parade on Saturday, Oct. 5, beginning at 11 a.m., and in the half-time show of the football game versus Louisiana College at Gordon Wood Stadium starting at 2 p.m.

The student body selects the court each year by elections coordinated through the Student Government Association.