
The Howard Payne University Model United Nations team participated in the Nottingham International Model United Nations conference last month at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.

 “The MUN trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Elizabeth Davidson, a senior from Georgetown. “I loved meeting people from all around the world and discussing everything from politics to KFC.” 

The team spent months preparing for the conference and learning information needed to represent their assigned countries. At the conference each school was given a country to represent, or, in HPU’s case, three countries – Gabon, Italy and Rwanda.  

Each country sent one representative into each room to discuss a different topic. Examples included “Addressing the problem of AIDS in Africa” and “How to react when a world crisis occurs.”

“This was my first time in MUN, and it was such a unique experience,” said Jessica Terway, a sophomore from Apex, N.C. “It was cool to see so many differing views on the same subject.” 

Students from around the world participated in the conference.

“Whenever I would speak at the conference people would look at me funny,” said Matt Peisker, a senior from Cedar Park. “Being the only people with American accents caused lots of people to come and ask where we were from and some delegates would attempt to speak in an American accent.” 

Delegates shared ideas to form a mutual decision for the topic and create a resolution.  

“This trip really revealed how different cultures can be so similar, yet vary so much,” said Kathryn Barrackman, a senior from Houston. “My perception of the world has definitely been altered, and I believe it will be a huge benefit to me as I begin exploring careers after Howard Payne.” 

The delegates include Barrackman; Davidson; Peisker; Terway; Bethany Berry, a sophomore from Post; Callie Ellis, a junior from Tennessee Colony; Kerry Ford, a sophomore from Houston; Lindsey Gholson, a senior from Burnet; Megan Haverlah, a sophomore from Poth; Caleb McKamie, a sophomore from Gatesville; Nick Rayburn, a senior form Azle; and Liz Rogers, a sophomore from Grand Junction, Colo.   

The sponsors included Dr. Matthew McNiece, chair of the Department of History, Political Science and Geography; Jennifer McNiece, assistant professor of economics and political science; and Samuel Greene, assistant professor of political science.  

“One of the most valuable aspects of the MUN experience is that it allows our students to really experience negotiation in an international context,” Greene said. “It is a great way for students to gain a taste of what awaits them in their professional careers.”

The delegates will prepare next semester for the World MUN conference to be held in Vancouver in March 2012. For more information about HPU’s Model United Nations, visit

 Photo caption: HPU’s Model United Nations delegates enjoy their trip to Nottingham. Students are, from left, Elizabeth Davidson, Megan Haverlah, Kathryn Barrackman, Bethany Berry, Matt Peisker, Kerry Ford, Lindsey Gholson, Liz Rodgers, Caleb McKamie, Jessica Terway, Nick Rayburn and Callie Ellis.  Photo Contributed.