CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallBrownwood’s industry is not only in need of experienced employees but also in need of places for them to live.  Both Barr Fabrication and the Villas of Brownwood received help from the City of Brownwood which will enable them take action to make more jobs and apartments available.

Brownwood City Council ratified a job creation incentive for Barr Fabrication from the Brownwood Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors.  According to BEDC Director Emily Crawford, this incentive will provide $2000 per fulltime employee that Barr Fabrication hires and trains within the period of January 15, 2012 through January 15, 2013.  According to Mayor Stephen Haynes, the company has been having difficulty finding experienced welders to meet the needs of their production.  Barr Fabrication needs 40 experienced welders, according to Haynes.

Granger McDonald, owner of the Villas Apartments also came before the council to request a resolution be made which would be the first step for his developing company to obtain HOME Investment Partnership Program funds without any city support.  These funds would enable McDonald’s company to build an additional 36 units, 13 of which would be income restricted and 23 which would be market rate units.  These 23 unrestricted units would be available to anyone regardless of their income level which should be beneficial to Brownwood Regional Medical Center, Barr Fabrication, Kohler, 3M and other local industries.


“We really feel like the open market rate apartments, for anyone here in Brownwood, is exactly what this economy needs,” said McDonald.  “When I hear talk about welders and people who might be over income in a restricted complex, you need housing for these kinds of individuals.”

A 36-unit expansion of the Villas of Brownwood would be located adjacent to the 377 Villa Apartments on Hwy 377S.  McDonald expressed that his company operates similar apartment complexes across the state which are very successful.  He explained that his company has a zero tolerance policy for incidents that result in law enforcement intervention.  They require renter applicants to be retired or employed and renters are subject to credit, previous rental history and criminal background checks.

“This is a little different than what I have seen in the past with this many unrestricted apartments, these apartments are positive to the community,” said City Manager Bobby Rountree.

According to Haynes, one of the most common complaints he hears from industry is that finding living spaces for their employees is very difficult.

Council passed the resolution unanimously.

In other matters on the agenda:

*Council ratified the BEDC Board of Directors’ decision to engage Avalanche Consulting, Inc. to develop a strategic plan.  This consulting, according to Mayor Haynes, would be similar to that which the city received from the Retail Coach, but aimed at industrial jobs rather than retail sales.

*An ordinance was passed on second and third/final readings to close an undeveloped section of First Street located between 1115 and 1203 Avenue W beginning at Avenue W then north approximately 400 feet to the end of said street.

*Council unanimously approved Mayoral appointments to the Unified Appeals Board:

Building: Codie Smith and Rick Biessner

Citizen: Kim Bruton and Bob Duckworth

Electrical: Terry Lambert and Trey Bauchman

Mechanical: Bill Pursch and Danny Hughes

Plumbing: Mike Webb and Dale Ross

*Council passed a resolution regarding the annual review of the City’s investment policy.