MikeLangThe Pecan Valley Republican Women will host their monthly luncheon on Thursday, June 23rd with Mike Lang, Texas House District 60 Representative-Elect, as the speaker.  The luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Brownwood Country Club.

Mike Lang won the Republican primary last March and will not face a Democratic challenger on the ballot during the General Election in November.

Lang will be speaking about the election and will share his plans to confront issues that the district will face in the upcoming legislation session, such as tax increases, water issues that concern rural areas, utilization of state tax dollars for education, and the creation of the state budget for the next two-year period.  Lang encourages anyone that has concerns on any changes in policy or budget to attend, ask questions and share their thoughts with him.

Those who wish to attend are asked to RSVP by calling or texting Rebecca at 325-998-3880 by June 22nd.  Cost of the buffet lunch is $14 and begins serving at 11:30 a.m.