
The Brownwood High School HOSA team became minions for the future of health care and cystic fibrosis on Saturday, November 2. The group set up a screen at Gordon Wood Stadium and projected the popular movie “Despicable Me” for the children of Brown County.

Prior to the showing of the movie, everyone was asked to search the underside of the bleachers for paper minions, and those that found them received 2 pound bags of popcorn.

Throughout the movie a concession stand serving popcorn, candy, and hot chocolate was being operated by the members and officers of the BHS HOSA group. The money collected from ticket and concession stand sales was added up and a total of $100 was donated to the Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis.

“The many children from the surrounding area as well as the teachers and leaders of Brownwood HOSA were extremely satisfied with the fundraiser,” stated BHS teacher and HOSA Advisor, Annalyn Deen. “There was nothing ‘despicable’ about the turnout for this event.”

Above: The audience enjoys the movie “Despicable Me” at a recent HOSA fundraising event. Below: BHS HOSA students as they prepared the screen for the showing.
