
The Brownwood Reunion Celebration will once again highlight heroes who serve in the “Honor a Hero Parade.”  The parade will take place Saturday, September 21st at 11:45 AM during the Brownwood Reunion Celebration.

All children are invited to sign up for the parade. Registration is free, and children are asked to dress in red, white and blue.

The event will honor both past and present members of the military and other heroes such as firemen, police, and EMTs. These heroes are asked to be in uniform when applicable and be at the drive-thru at Citizens National Bank at 11:30 AM or march with the children in the parade.

Children are encouraged to have their own personal heroes march with them in the parade, and there is also a space on the registration form where each hero’s name can be written. Posters and t-shirts are allowed to show whom each child is honoring.

Registration will begin at 10:30 AM at the Citizens Bank drive thru area, and lineup for the parade will be at 11:30 AM. The parade will start at 11:45.

Forms may be accessed at www.celebratebrownwood.com or call Rick Phelps at 325-200-1276.

Pictured are some parade marchers from last year’s event.

This year’s Brownwood Reunion Celebration will be held September 20, 21, and 22.  The community-wide festival features a variety of contests, events, attractions, music, and food in addition to the main concerts.

Watch for more info about this year’s event in the coming weeks at CelebrateBrownwood.com or “like” the Brownwood Reunion Celebration Facebook page.