Hey John,
I bet you have never had a problem like mine before. It’s my husband. In the last six months or so he is taking on the identity of a dog! Although he is still working, he is growing his hair longer and longer. He has completely stopped eating anything except meat. He will devour the fat on a steak with the same enthusiasm as the steak itself. To make matters worse, he now likes to snack on those boxed hard dog bone biscuits while he watches TV. He has become extremely hostile to cats, and I worry what will happen if he ever catches one. Finally, in the middle of the night, he has begun to whimper like a little puppy in his sleep. I am out of ideas of how to help him.
Dear Gracie,
You are clearly in a ruff spot. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. And your assumption is correct; I have not had a Disney-style Shaggy Dog client in my career. From the “for real” side of this issue, it’s possible that we have a malfunction of the brain. I would consult my physician and see if a CT Scan would be appropriate. But for God’s sake, don’t call it a cat scan. If nothing is indicated, it’s time to consult with a good shrink. Ask around for recommendations, and do your own online research for a competent psychiatrist. This one is a little out of my expertise. That being said, if no one can assist you, you might consider keeping your hubby on a short leash, and occasionally rub his tummy.

John Sommer
Therapist in Brownwood
John Sommer has been a therapist since 1977 and has been providing counseling services at his Brownwood facility since 1987. John specializes in assisting clients with a wide range problem areas such as child and adult issues, family, social and emotional issues in juveniles, relationships, and depression. He also works with non-problem areas including prenuptial counseling, marriage enhancement and assertive training. To submit questions for “Hey John” please email: JohnSommerCounseling@gmail.com