Hey John,
You know, I’d be fine if my daughter decided to just be a lesbian. These guys nowadays are such pigs, she’d probably be better off just sticking with a girl. When I told her that, she blew a fuse and walked out the door. Do you think she’s homophobic? Am I too “hip” as a Dad? What do you say? – Central Texas Dad
Dear Tex,
I’m going to have to address this issue in two parts: The Behavior of 21st Century Males and To Be Or Not To Be (Gay). Is That A Question?
Part One: 21st Century Males
I have heard story after story from disappointed females about pig-like behavior from males. What do you think about a guy going out with a girl on a first date and offers her money to stay longer? How about one who rips her phone out of her hand so he can check her texts and Facebook? How about a young husband who gets physically threatening when he’s drinking, which is every weekend. Notice I’ve left out the raped females. I’m also leaving out the great males who should be a role model for the lesser males.
So the questions are:
- Is there an evolutionary decline in males?
- Is it possible to impact this decline? -and-
- How do females find the good males?
In these days with the perfect storm of numerous divorces, reduced Daddy role modeling and a generation and ½ of bizarro male role models based on imaginary males (and females) in film, television and the internet, it seems that the mannerly, gentlemanly model of males is not seen much. Just when we were getting a little civilized, we decline back to the caveman? De-evolution. Great. Obviously it’s not true of all males, but a significant increase of idiot behavior seems to be possible.
Can we impact this decline by modeling ourselves? By teaching or speaking out? I don’t know. But to slump over and moan, “It’s just the way it is” seems kinda cowardly, ya know? Role modeling proper behavior and actively teaching our children, even if it really didn’t impact many people seems less tragically helpless. It’s all parents responsibility to teach manners and respect for women to their children (males and females). Improper behavior needs to be addressed. It’s also important to note that any nine year old kid with a phone can access hardcore porn. Parents need to address this issue as well. Girls should not be viewed as potential porn queens.
How to locate quality males? I wish people would write in and share their opinion. I’d think a history class might be better than a dive of a bar. Who knows? Picking up kids at a daycare and meeting someone? Shopping at the grocery store and noticing (an unmarried) nice Daddy with his child? I don’t know. I met mine at a ping pong table in college. Remind your daughter to keep her standards high. Nice people are out there.
NEXT UP: “She’d be better off sticking with girls”. Maybe yes, maybe no.
Next week at your favorite local digital newspaper: BrownwoodNews.com

John Sommer
Therapist in Brownwood
John Sommer has been a therapist since 1977 and has been providing counseling services at his Brownwood facility since 1987. John specializes in assisting clients with a wide range problem areas such as child and adult issues, family, social and emotional issues in juveniles, relationships, and depression. He also works with non-problem areas including prenuptial counseling, marriage enhancement and assertive training. To submit questions for “Hey John” please email: JohnSommerCounseling@gmail.com