
Brownwood High School Health Occupations Students of America Chapter took 26 students to Abilene, February 25-26, for Area IV Competition.

They competed in the following events:

-Public Service Announcement – Stormy McClimans, Lydia Martinez, Anna Linan, Christina Galaviz, Lupita Garcia and T.J. Esparza
-Veterinarian Assisting – Alex Hernandez
-Dental Assisting – Taylor Pattillo
-Health Education – Leanna Johnson and Nichole Amarante
-Extemporaneous Speaking – Shelby Blincoe
-Career Health Display – Kellie Scott and Brandi Prado

The following students placed in the top 5; with the top 3 places advancing to the State Competition in Corpus Christi, April 14-16:

5th Place    Alyssa Johnson – Dental Spelling    
4th Place    Sarah Berger, Sharon Berger and Chandler Robnett – Biomedical Debate
4th Place    Chantalle Arriaga and Lizette Lopez – Forensic Medicine
4th Place    Garrett Barnum – Epidemiology
3rd Place    Payton Christopher, Dafina Hoti, and Aime Hogue in HOSA Bowl
2nd Place    Caitlyn Cloy in Medical Photography

Stephanie Upfold scored in the top 10% of Area IV on the Kaiser Permanente Scholarship written exam and will advance to State.

Pictured above: Bottom Row L to R: Stephanie Upfold, Lizette Lopez, Lydia Martinez, Dafina Hoti, Kellie Scott, Caitlyn Cloy, Chantalle Arriaga, Brandi Prado, Chandler Robnett, Sharon Berger, Leanna Johnson and Alyssa Johnson 2nd Row L to R: Mrs. Annalyn Deen, Anna Linan, Savannah Grider 3rd Row L to R: Christina Galaviz, Jessica Ortiz Top Row L to R: Nichole Amarante, Maria Garcia, Alex Hernandez, David “Stormy” McClimans, Taylor Pattillo, Payton Christopher, Garrett Barnum, Mrs. Ann Tew, Aaron Gomez, Sarah Berger