September is National Preparedness Month and the Public Health Preparedness office of the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department encourages the citizens of Brownwood and Brown County to take the time to create or review their emergency preparedness plan. The 2015 National Preparedness Month theme is “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.”
Citizens are encouraged to stop by the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department, located at 510 E. Lee Street, to pick up a National Preparedness Month packet containing details of the game and other preparedness reference materials. To participate in the week’s activities, participants will look for clues to identify the five hazards most likely to affect Brownwood and Brown County. Clues to each day’s hazard will be posted on the Brownwood/Brown County Emergency Management Facebook page, Completed entry forms should be turned in to the BBCHD no later than September. 23rd. Three winners will be drawn at random from the submitted entries.
As always, the PHP staff at the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department is willing to visit with citizens and assist them in the emergency preparedness planning process. The PHP office can be contacted at 325-643-3793.