browncountyhealthcenterThe Brownwood/Brown County Health Department reminds area residents that it is flu season and everyone 6 months of age and older needs to be immunized against the flu. The health department has adult flu vaccine available for $25.00.

BBCHD also has flu vaccine for children. They have a limited amount of the nasal flu vaccine available at this time. The nasal vaccine will not be available after December 8.  The nasal vaccine can be given to children over the age of two years who do not have asthma and are not immuno-compromised in any way.

The health department has the adult vaccine available for uninsured individuals through the Adult Safety Net program. The vaccines available at this time include Tdap, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, MMR, PPSV23 (pneumonia vaccine), and HPV. The HPV vaccine protects against human papilloma virus, a sexually transmitted virus which is the cause of most cervical cancers and causes up to 90% of genital warts in men and women. The HPV vaccine is available to men and women up to the age of 26. The administration cost for the Adult Safety Net vaccines is $15.00 per vaccine.

The health department also has a limited amount of the Zoster (shingles) vaccine available at this time for $150.00 per vaccine, and the PCV13 (pneumococcal) vaccine available for $50.00. If anyone has questions about these vaccines, or whether they should get these vaccines, they should contact their primary care provider or the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department at 325-646-0554.