
Recently Brownwood/Brown County Health Department added a new vehicle to the emergency management fleet which will enable them not only to respond in times of disaster but to take their services to the public.

Discretionary grant money which was not used up by the State of Texas was able to be secured by the Health Department for a special project, a mobile emergency response trailer completely stocked with equipment.

Public Health Preparedness Coordinator Emily Gore explained that the trailer is going to be very useful to the County, not only in disasters but also in any situations where a hospital or nursing home might need to be evacuated.  It can also serve as a flu clinic offering mobile dispensing.   As a mobile clinic, the trailer will allow the health department to take its services to those who otherwise may not be able to come to the clinic in Brownwood.

Some of the equipment in the trailer includes bariatric cots, a pharmacy cabinet as well as a pharmacy cart, miscellaneous medical supplies, awnings for shade, a side window for drive through service situations, air conditioning, a restroom, and a public announcement system.  This PA system will allow operators to use it from the roof of the trailer and even aid in traffic control in a disaster situation.

The trailer is considered a state asset just as the county’s communications trailer and the Brownwood Fire Department’s new TIFMAS engine.  The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department will actually own it; however it may be called up for use during disasters throughout the state when needed.  The approximate value of the trailer is $67,000 according to Gore.

Part of the reason that the grant money and the project were approved was due to the central location of Brown County.

“Many of the surrounding counties were excited to know the trailer is here,” stated Gore.  “Location was a big incentive of why they allowed us to do this project.”

The trailer arrived on Wednesday, March 9, after it was custom built approximately 6 months ago.  EMS Innovations of Georgia built the trailer to specifics ordered, including the outer appearance which was to match that of the Brown County Communications trailer.  Upon its arrival, emergency management personnel and Brownwood City Council members came to look at the area’s newest emergency asset.

Gore explained that the health department is excited about the trailer and ready to put it to use.

“We want to use it for mobile clinics and health fairs,” stated Gore.  “It has great outreach possibilities and is a great opportunity for the county.”

Pictured above is the emergency response trailer, below are pictures of the interior.

