hamburgerFriends and Supporters of The Taylor Sandoval Family are hosting a Benefit Hamburger Supper and Bake Sale.   The fundraising event will be held on Tuesday June 22 at 5:00pm at the Early First Methodist Church in Early (near the Early High School).

Taylor is in the 3rd Grade at Early Elementary School.  She was born with a congenital heart disease, known as “Tetralogy of Fallot” which is a condition where the great vessels of the heart were reversed in position.  She was also born without a pulmonary artery and with four small holes and another large hole in her heart.  Due to this constant stress, her heart is enlarged.

Taylor will require open heart surgery every six to ten years.  Because she was born with this condition, Taylor is uninsurable.  This sweet little girl will undergo her second open heart surgery on July 8th of this year.   She is the daughter of Kristi and Fernando Sandoval of Early and the granddaughter of Anthony and Karen Tyson of Comanche.

Kristi Tyson Sandoval, Taylor’s mother, is a 1999 graduate of Comanche High School and is currently the Early High School Girls Head Coach.  Fernando Sandoval, Taylor’s father is also an EISD employee and currently a student at Ranger College.

An account in the Sandoval Family’s name has been set up at Mills County State Bank which has branches in Early, Brownwood, Goldthwaite and Hamilton.

To make a donation for the event or to the family, please call one of the following:

  • Heather Barker at 325-642-3401
  • Meldina Mitchell at 325-646-2746 or 325-647-0279
  • Shayla Gosnell at 325-647-9600

Friends and supporters hosting the event would like to thank everyone in advance for their help in supporting this wonderful, hard working and courageous family.  This family gives unselfishly to our community, never expecting anything in return.  Any donations are greatly appreciated.