Guardian EMS took time out off their busy schedule to support local nursing homes during National Nursing Home Week.
They plan to serve over 800 hamburgers and all the fixing’s to nursing home residents, staff and guests. Guardian EMS provided hamburgers on Monday to Bangs Nursing Home and on Tuesday to CARE Nursing Center . They plan to provide hamburgers to Cross Country Health Care on Wednesday, Songbird Lodge on Thursday and Brownwood Nursing and Rehab on Friday.
Pictured at the CARE Nursing Center hamburger luncheon is Guardian EMS Employees and residents of CARE Nursing Center: Jody White; Dewayne Harris; Iva Atchely, resident of CARE Nursing Center; Martin Petroff; Judith Kinser, resident of CARE Nursing Center; Jimmy Trowbridge; Faye Wilson, resident of CARE Nursing Center and Wayne Wilson, husband of Mrs. Wilson.
Guardian EMS plans to serve over 1,000 hamburgers at the American Cancer Society- Relay for Life on June 4, 2010.