GoodSamaritainMinistriesLogoGood Samaritan Ministries continues to help those “in need” in the Brownwood area, and the need continues to grow according to Misty Bowers, GSM Program Manager.

This month, 1,192 families were helped by the Good Samaritan Ministries food pantry.  This number was increased from 1134 in July.  GSM offered support to 1030 families per month in 2012.

“During July of 2012, we saw 964 families and in August of last year we saw 1,026 so both months are way up this year as far as families needing food,” stated Bowers.

The Food for Thought ministry provides shelf-stable, kid-friendly food to chronically hungry students in Brown County schools over the weekends during the school year when no other food source may be available.  In August, 50 students were served, up from 45 in July.

Bowers reported that the Food for Thought summer numbers are about the same as last year. She explained that it is a relatively new program during the summer, and that GSM began home delivery in the summer last year.

GSM also offers financial assistance to help families with past due rent and utilities. Payments are made directly to the vendor on the client’s behalf. The client must pay a portion of the bill first.   Assistance is provided only once during a 24 month period.

In July and August of last year, GSM helped 47 families in July and 48 in August with financial assistance including electric/gas, water, rent and medical.  During those months this year, GSM has helped 81 families in July and 62 in August, showing a significant increase in those numbers as well.  In July 27 families were denied assistance and 30 were denied in August.

Bowers explained that the families being served by GSM are not dependent upon the ministry on a constant monthly basis, other than groups that are on a fixed income, in general, most come to the food pantry only when they need a little extra help.

“Just to put it into perspective again, we have an average of 4,000 unduplicated households. We are averaging 1,065 families per month this year so far.  So that means that the majority of our families are coming to the pantry about once a quarter,” she explained.  “Most of the families who are here every month are those on a fixed income:  elderly, mentally and physically disabled, etc.”

Good Samaritan Ministries has grown to be the largest organization of their kind in a 19 county area, including Abilene, according to organizers.  Their ministry has been around for nearly 20 years without any federal funding, depending on support from churches, businesses and individuals in the community and grants.  Good Samaritan Ministries strives to meet the basic physical and spiritual needs of Brown County residents who need a hand up.  Every cent that raised by GSM stays in the community to take care of Brown County families with the exception of the tithe from Empty Bowls.

To make a difference for local families in need, please consider making a donation to Good Samaritan Ministries. Donations may be brought in to 305 Clark Street, mailed to P.O. Box 1136, Brownwood, Texas 76801 or made online at