
Bobby Grubbs has filed for re-election for a third term as Sheriff of Brown County.  Prior to being elected in 2004, Sheriff Grubbs was a Texas Ranger in Brownwood for 17 years.  Grubbs was with the Texas Department of Public Safety for 34 years.  He will run as a Republican and asks the citizens of Brown County to look closely at his many accomplishments during his first and second terms.

Sheriff Grubbs released the following statement on Friday, December 9th:

Effective law enforcement and corrections management enhances the safety and security of the citizens of Brown County.  The oath and responsibilities under the law are things I take very serious.  Brown County is where I shop, go to church, and watch my grandkids grow up.  I want a safer place for my grandkids and our citizens.  If Brown County is a safe place to live, businesses can grow and citizens take great pride in their community.  So, it’s my job to do my best to bring safety, protection, and service to our citizens with professional, focused, and engaged law enforcement.

Over the past 7 years, I’ve made a number of changes to enhance our level of service.  Our priorities are on aggressive drug enforcement, crimes against children, the elderly, and the family.  We also have focused heavily on sex offender registrants.  We have experienced very good progress and I want to continue the work we began.  We have highly visible patrols and strategic enforcement on career criminals.  We know who they are and we’re focused on creative ways to go after them.  If you look closely at the problems facing Brown County, it is readily obvious the drug problem fuels the great majority of our other crimes.  I prioritized drug enforcement because aggressive drug enforcement significantly reduces the collateral crime.  Over the past 3 years, Brown County Deputies have presented over 752 felony cases to federal and state grand juries.  In July, we coordinated the most recent of several drug round-ups over the past few years, arresting about 80 defendants in this one cooperative investigation.  I am especially pleased we are clearing the great majority of crimes and the indicators show crime is being slowed.

Every day, I try to remind myself of my responsibility to our citizens to enforce the law toughly and fairly.  I have an outstanding group of officers, jailers, and support people who believe in what we are doing.  Keeping promises is a matter of integrity.  It is the simple imperative in gaining trust, and I will work diligently to keep the public trust.