IMG_6389Thankfulness, partnership and community involvement were the themes expressed in the Sunday afternoon grand opening event at the Brownwood Area Community Garden.

“We are so thankful here today because this project has been given so much in such a short period of time,” said Community Garden President Daniel Graham.

Graham expressed thanks to the Brownwood Housing Authority for the use of the land for the garden on Dublin Street as well as thanks to the community for coming together for this project.

“One definition of community that I like is ‘common unity’, and this project has really brought out the best in Brownwood and Brown County,” he said.

Graham thanked not only the direct partners in the project, but also individuals, businesses, non-profit agencies, and governmental agencies who have all stepped forward and helped out.  He also said that IMG_6433although they called the event a “grand opening,” they are not quite yet open for business.

“We are calling this our grand opening, but as you can see outside, the garden is open for construction.  We started growing a few things, but the garden itself is not quite open yet,” Graham said.  “What is really grand about our opening today is, as I have said, the level of participation, the level of interest and really the vision.  We’ve got a grand vision here that is going to unfold over a period of years and hopefully decades.”

Graham also pointed out that funding for the garden was made possible through federal funding from the economic stimulus program.

IMG_6459The garden was established primarily for the purpose of providing fresh, naturally grown produce to area food pantries to feed the hungry in Brown County.   The garden will also provide space for residents who wish to garden according to natural, sustainable methods; to provide a venue for education on sustainable gardening practices; and to provide employment and on-the-job training opportunities in a green industry for low-income workers.

Those in attendance at the grand opening event prayed over the land, and began planting a few seeds to get the garden kicked-off

The 22,000 square foot garden still needs more partners and volunteers.  Those interested can call 325-784-8453 for more information.