The Brown County grand jury is investigating a case against Brown County Precinct 1 Commissioner Steve Adams, but so far has not rendered a decision on whether there is enough evidence to pursue a case.  Sources said that the Texas Attorney General’s office presented evidence to the grand jury in their last session.  The grand jury met on Thursday, August 18th working through the session and continuing a second day Friday.  The list of those indicted was released from the District Attorney’s office on Thursday, September 1, which did not include Adams. 

Adams confirmed this week that he was being investigated by the grand jury but referred all comments to his attorney Jon Mark Hogg of San Angelo.   Adams said that other county officials have been served with subpoenas to appear before the grand jury regarding the allegations.

In a phone interview, Hogg confirmed that Adams is being investigated by the grand jury; however has not been indicted.

“I can confirm that he has not been indicted,” stated Hogg.  “The grand jury is continuing their investigation in their next session.”

A criminal investigation of Adams began in January of 2009 involved the alleged theft of county funds related to repairs to a bulldozer owned by Adams.

Hogg explained that due to the grand jury meeting being held in a secret forum, the scope of the investigation is unknown and no specifics have been released to anyone, including Adams or himself.   Hogg said that they assume the grand jury investigation is related to the previous investigation, but could not confirm.

“Steve fully cooperated with the investigation when it began two years ago,” said Hogg of the initial allegations brought against Adams.  “We don’t know what they are looking at now.”

Multiple calls to the Attorney General’s Office to confirm any allegations or charges that are being considered were not returned.