ScottKinzler_BendElksBrownwood High School Graduates Scott Kinzler and Graylon Brown, former Lions baseball players, have been busy playing in summer leagues to improve their skill levels and keep on their game before returning to play at the collegiate level.

Scott Kinzler is playing for the Bend Elks in Oregon this summer.  He is a 2013 graduate of Brownwood High School and will continue his baseball career at Abilene Christian University where he will be a freshman this fall.

The Bend Elks are ranked first place in the Southern Division of the West Coast League.  The team is also ranked 23rd in summer ball teams.  The combined ERA of the pitching staff is 3.05, and offensively, they have been batting .285 as a team according to Kinzler.

He currently lives with a host family in Bend, Oregon which is approximately 2,000 miles away from Brownwood or a 36 hour drive from his family’s home.  Bend is 3 & 1/2 hours southeast of Portland, Oregon.

The team plays in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Canada.  Kinzler has started in several games.  He is pictured above.

GraylonBrown_DerbyTwinsGraylon Brown, a 2011 Brownwood High Graduate and Angelo State University baseball player, is participating in the Jay Hawk League in Kansas for the summer.  He too is living with a host family.  Brown is pictured left.

This summer Brown has been involved with the Jay Hawk League in Kansas, playing for the Derby Twins with Jamie Maclean, another ASU pitcher.  He is living with a host family in Derby, Kansas where his ASU coaches have sent him.

His team is currently ranked 2nd in their league and which comprised of Wellington, El Dorado, Liberal, Hays, Dodge City and the Derby Twins.

During the past school year, Graylon Brown played with ASU, his team went to regional competition, and was just two games away from qualifying for the World Series.  Brown will be a redshirt sophomore on the field and a junior in class rank at ASU.  Last summer he played in Fort Collins, Colorado.