Written by Amanda Coers – The 8th Annual Good Samaritan Ministries‘ Empty Bowls Project was held on Thursday, March 30th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. at the Brownwood Coliseum. This year’s event raised more money than last year, bringing in $27,819 to help fight hunger in Brown County through the ministry’s multiple food distribution programs. Ten percent of the funds raised will also be tithed to Food for the Hungry, an international organization that works in more than 20 countries around the world providing life-changing resources such as clean water, medical aid, food, education, vocational training, spiritual development, and hope.
“We just want to thank our community so much for their support at this year’s Empty Bowls Project and the months leading up to it,” said Leesa Stephens, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Ministries. “So many people made the event possible from those who donated monetarily to the event; those who donated soup; painted, glazed or fired bowls; designed or laminated placemats, volunteered their services for the event and certainly those who joined us Thursday to make this a truly special event!”
The Celebrity Bowls Auction was added to the project for the second year in a row, and is counted as another “tremendous success,” according to GSM staff. The auction raised $2,725 thanks largely to some friendly competition between the Brown County Sheriff’s Office and the Brownwood Police Department.
Results of bidding are as follows:
- Sheriff Vance Hill, $825
- Chief Terry Nichols, $400
- Stephanie Lykins, KPSM, $210
- Stephanie Gade, City of Early Ambassador and KYOX personality, $200
- Steve Adams, Executive Director of Brookesmith Rural Water, $155
- Angelina Case, The Breeze, $150
- Hunter Sims, HPU Athletic Director, $110
- Carol Spratt, Community Representative, $110
- Billy Jack Rankin, Retired Superintendent, Bangs ISD, $110
- Jennifer Spraberry, Marketing Director, Central Texas Farm Credit, $100
- Jenna Marwitz, Crockin’ Girls, $100
- Walter Banks, Brownwood Fire Department, $80
- Roland Soto, City of Brownwood Sports Coordinator, $65
- Derrick Stuckly, Managing Editor Brownwood Bulletin, $60
- Tony Aaron, Early City Manager, $50
“Our hearts are overjoyed with this year’s turnout for the Empty Bowls Project and the community support that pervaded the event from morning to evening. This event would not be what it is and what it has become without so much support from the Brown County Community and we certainly do not take that for granted,” Leesa Stephens said.