
Good Samaritan Ministries welcomed new board members and returning ones at its first meeting of the New Year on Monday, January 9.

New board members are Delsie Ary, Dana Cloy, Doil Hammons, Brett Koch, Jan Guest and Kristi Wilson. Returning members are Sady Cady, Pam Jenkins, Ben Ellebracht, Curtis Shults, Treasurer Gary Martin, Chair Paul Butler and Vice-Chair Rick Justice.


Board members serve a three-year term and are chosen by a nominating committee made up of outgoing board members, the board chair and the Executive Director. The board of directors of GSM is responsible for supporting the ministry through fundraising, advocating and being actively involved through volunteering, event participation and/or financial support.

Pictured above are:  Bottom row (left to right) Delsie Ary, Dana Cloy, and Sady Cady. Back row (left to right) Doil Hammons, Brett Koch, Pam Jenkins, Jan Guest, Paul Butler – Chair, Rick Justice – Vice-Chair, Gary Martin – Treasurer, Ben Ellebracht, Kristi Wilson and Curtis Shults.