GoodSamaritainMinistriesLogoTuesday, April 7, is World Health Day and this year’s emphasis is on Food Safety.

Of course, it is certain that food safety takes on many different looks around the world but even at Good Samaritan Ministries in Brown County, efforts are made to ensure that the food that makes it to the plates of area residents is safe to eat.

“The food that is given through our Food Pantry comes to us from two places,” said Angelia Bostick, Executive Director of GSM. “It is either ordered from the Food Bank of West Central Texas or it has been donated from individuals or businesses in the community including local grocery stores.”

She said they know the food from the food bank is safe to distribute because of the strict guidelines and regulations placed on Food Banks. The cans/packages are clean and the dates are good.

However, food that comes from any other source has to be inspected, cleaned and sorted before it ever hits the shelves of the food pantry.

Cans are checked for unsafe dents, expiration dates and rust.

“Our staff is trained to look for dents that may have compromised the integrity of the food inside,” said Bostick. “Even if it looks like a minor dent, if it is on a seam or the rim, it could allow air to seep in and bacteria to grow.”

The staff also knows the difference between “best by,” use by,” and “expiration” dates.  According to guidelines posted by food safety experts, most food is good beyond the date on the can.

Once the canned food item has been inspected, it is then cleaned with a solution of bleach and water to remove any dust or contaminants from the outside of the can.

Then the can is sorted into the appropriate place to await placement on the shelves of the pantry.

“Few people realize how many times a donated food item has to be touched before it ever gets to the shelves,” said Bostick. “Our staff and volunteers go above and beyond every day to ensure the safety of the families we serve.”

GSM is always looking for volunteers to help with this process. Anyone interested in volunteering should call Joyce, Volunteer Coordinator, at 643-2273.