GoodSamaritainMinistriesLogoThe third annual Empty Bowls Project will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 29, 2012, at the Brownwood Coliseum.  For a donation only, choose a hand-painted bowl and enjoy a simple meal of soup or beans, bread and water.

Plan to leave a little hungry. Take your empty bowl home to serve as a reminder that there are those in our own community who have empty bowls and empty stomachs.  Ninety percent of the proceeds from the event will go into the food ministries of Good Samaritan Ministries: the food pantry, Food for Thought Program and The Deer Project.  Ten percent will be tithed to an organization that fights hunger on a global level.  There will be live music throughout the day.  Local restaurants will donate soup and beans for the event.


VIP tables are available this year either for your business, your organization or to be a Good Samaritan and give the tickets away.  Call 643-2273 or 203-2489 for more information about the event, VIP tables or how to donate soup.

Sponsors for this year’s event include:  Big Country Ford, Landmark Life, Texas Bank, TXU Energy and Wal-Mart.