GoodSamaritainMinistriesLogoA couple of Good Samaritan Ministry volunteers were talking to an older couple at church last Sunday. During the course of the conversation, the gentleman began crying as he revealed that he and his wife had no food left in the house and had no idea how they would make it through Christmas. They were living on a fixed income and most of their money went toward costly medications.

The volunteers shared with the couple about Good Samaritan Ministries and invited them to come down and pick up some food. They came in on Thursday, the day the volunteers who had spoken to them at church were working in the pantry. Perhaps it was easier to ask for help when there was a friendly, recognizable face.

Ernest Espinosa, GSM’s food pantry warehouse manager, was introduced to the couple as he brought them the buggy with their box of Christmas food and grocery staples. With donations down at GSM the Christmas boxes are smaller than in years past, but as the older gentleman looked at the food, he asked with tears in his eyes, “Is this for us?”

Ernest assured him that the food was for him and his wife and told him that it was a gift from God. The gentleman burst into tears and expressed his gratefulness over and over again as he carried his precious gift out the door, one less thing he had to worry about it.

Many lives were touched through that experience. The couple who had a need because they learned that there is always hope and there is help when life seems overwhelming. The volunteers because they took the time to share with a couple, not knowing their situation, and were used in a special way to offer love, hope and encouragement. The food pantry warehouse manager because he was able to witness the raw emotion of a thankful heart who experienced God’s love through the gift of food.

If you are one of the many community members who has donated money or food to the food pantry for Christmas boxes, you also had a part in this story. Without the generous support of the Brown County community, we wouldn’t have these stories to share because we wouldn’t be able to provide the services that we do.

On our part, we will strive to share more of these stories so you can see how your donations are helping our friends and neighbors.