Written by Misty Bowers – The first of December is always a busy time at Good Samaritan Ministries and this year has been no different. In the two weeks they have been open in December, more than 700 families have come through the front doors for food. Stop by any day they are open and you will see staff and volunteers pushing buggies to the cars of the friends and families, offering a helping hand, a warm smile and a “Merry Christmas.”
“We know the holidays aren’t easy for everyone so we try our best, as we are providing grocery staples and the Christmas food box, to offer encouragement and a smile,” said Executive Director Leesa Stephens. “Sometimes a little warmth and kindness will go so much further than any other help we can offer.”
During December, it’s not unusual for the staff and volunteers at GSM to see more than 100 people in one four-hour period. Part of the reason they are so busy, Stephens said, is because this month in addition to their regular grocery staples, families will receive a Christmas food box filled with most of the ingredients to make a traditional Christmas dinner.
“The Brown County community collected food for the Christmas food boxes back in October during our Hunger Awareness Food Drive,” Stephens said. “We then had several groups in the community pack those boxes in the month of November so they were ready for distribution beginning December 1.”
While they provide grocery staples every day, there are so many ways they assist families in need in Brown County in addition to food. Stephens said that earlier this month, an anonymous donor purchased brand new jackets and asked that they be given to people who need them.
“The needs were so great that we have been able to give every one of the jackets away to students at local campuses, foster care agencies, CPS case workers and lots of individuals who came in and needed something warm to wear,” Stephens said. “What a blessing that the Lord laid it on someone’s heart to help in such a huge way.”
In addition, Stephens said they also frequently give clothing vouchers to individuals and families who have a need. Just this month they have provided shoes to a woman whose original pair had holes in them. She remembered another lady who they had helped get clothes for work about a month or so ago. She has to walk to work and the zippered hoodie she wore didn’t provide much warmth. She walked away that day with a new coat.
“There’s a misconception, I believe, in the community that we don’t help people through our Resale Store, but nothing could be further from the truth,” Stephens said. “If there is a need, we do our best to meet that need.” However, the Resale Store serves another important function as well. Every penny that is spent at the GSM Resale Store goes right back into the ministry.
“That’s why our store is open to everyone in the community and we encourage everyone to, not only donate, but to come shop as well,” Stephens said. “You will find some wonderful treasures and help GSM as well. It’s a win-win.”
While the Food Pantry volunteers are busy passing out groceries and Christmas boxes and the Resale Store volunteers and staff are busy taking donations and working the sales, there is still so much happening within the walls of GSM.
Before school let out for the holidays, extra Food for Thought bags were packed, delivered and sent home to students who have been identified as chronically hungry through site coordinators on 14 campuses in Brown County. “During long holidays we send extra food home to the students for those extra weekends they are not in school,” Stephens said. “Currently, there are 145 students enrolled in the Food for Thought program.”
At the same time, Food Warehouse staff have been busy picking up deer meat from THE processors who partner with The Deer Project. They also pick up food every morning from local grocery stores that they will then sort, clean and inspect before putting out for the families who come in for their regular staples.
“It’s non-stop action around here right now and a great time for those in the community who don’t know us to come see what we are all about,” said Stephens.
Good Samaritan Ministries is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 to 5 p.m. and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will be open this month through Dec. 23 and will close for the Christmas holidays. They will reopen on Monday, January 2. For more information, please call 325-643-2273.

Misty Bowers
Communications Director for Good Samaritan Ministries
Misty Bowers serves as the Communications Director for Good Samaritan Ministries. She and her husband, Toby, have twin sons, and live in the Brownwood area.
Good Samaritan Ministries (GSM) works to proclaim the Gospel in both word and deed to all people in need in Brown County, through several food programs. GSM regularly feeds 1,000 families each month.